Laboratory - Медицинский центр Армед в Сочи

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Медицинский центр Армед лаборатория

Our laboratory carries out a wide range of the latest methods of testing:

  • clinical
  • biochemical,
  • immunological
  • serological
  • microscopic
  • PCR

Our laboratory equipment, which is made by leading international brands, is constantly updated. Current laboratory equipment includes an automatic analyzer from Sysmex (Germany) and Roche / Hitachi (Switzerland / Japan), which is ranked first in the world in the field of diagnostic equipment. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which is a laboratory immunoassay method for qualitative and quantitative determination different compounds such as macromolecules, viruses, based on a specific antigen-antibody reaction.

Провести комплексную лабораторную диагностику, сдать ПЦР, ИФА и другие анализы Вы можете в медицинском центре «АРМЕД»

Identification is carried out using an enzyme as a label for signal detection. The core of the method is that in the analysis of a pathogen, antigens (protein molecules characteristic of infection) are looking for antibodies. If the antibody “discovers” a protein antigen, then the person is potentially infected. However, antibodies can react with different antigens – the so-called cross-reacting antigens. Because of this specificity (the ability to identify the infectious agent is only one for which this method of investigation has been assigned), the IFA is slightly lower than that of PCR.